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Saylor PT Palm Beach

Saylor Physical Therapy Palm Beach

Medicare at saylor pt Palm Beach


Saylor Physical Therapy is proud to announce that we are an In-Network Provider with MEDICARE.

Medicare patients are required to have a referral from their primary care physician for an appointment and our insurance specialist will also submit to your secondary insurance carrier if you have one.

For more information about your Medicare Coverage, please visit here.

Saylor Physical Therapy - Palm Beach

Schedule an appointment and we look forward to providing you with quality, individual, one-on-one care for one full hour.

“After dislocating my knee, tearing multiple ligaments, and fracturing my Tibia playing tackle football, it seemed like everyone told me my career as an athlete was over. Eight months and 2 surgeries later, not only do I have full flexion in my knee, I am also back in my cleats on the field. I owe it all to the staff at Saylor Physical Therapy. Many Thanks!!!! ”

Hileia F. - Palm Beach Gardens

"The entire staff at Saylor PT in Palm Beach Gardens delivers outstanding service. I had the great pleasure to work on my shoulder physical therapy with Jenna Mattatall who was amazing, providing great hands-on therapy as well as on-site flexibility & strengthening activities and direction for at-home activities. She has a great attitude coupled with extensive knowledge and experience. Anyone who gets to work with Jenna is in fantastic hands!"

L Boogie. - Palm Beach

"Having experienced physical therapy at other locations in Michigan and Florida, I did not want to repeat the "mass production" feel of sharing a therapist and a prescribed set of exercises used for all patients. Saylor employs one therapist for each client, tailoring the treatment to the individual. Additionally, each therapist has his/her own treatment room, so the privacy is ideal. The main room is spacious and well-equipped, and it has never been over-crowded. My therapist, Mariah, was dedicated to figuring out how to help me, and she did a great job. She is skilled and has a warm, caring personality. I'm very appreciative of her help. The office staff is friendly and efficient, greeting each client upon entering and leaving. Saylor is 5-star in my opinion."

Sandy D. - Palm Beach

Services at Saylor Physical Therapy Palm Beach

Neck & Back

Shoulder, Elbow
& Hand Pain

Hip & Knee

Foot & Ankle

 Sports Therapy &
Injury Therapy


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Saylor PT Palm Beach
300 Ave of Champions Ste. 100,
Palm Beach Gardens FL 33418



P 561-223-3872  
F 561-223-3895



Mon  7 am–7 pm
Tues  7 am–7 pm
Wed  7 am–7 pm
Thu  7 am–7pm
Fri  7 am–7 pm
Sat  Closed
Sun  Closed