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Saylor PT Lake Mary

Saylor Physical Therapy Lake Mary

Medicare at saylor pt Cornelius


Saylor Physical Therapy is proud to announce that we are an In-Network Provider with MEDICARE.

Medicare patients are required to have a referral from their primary care physician for an appointment and our insurance specialist will also submit to your secondary insurance carrier if you have one.

For more information about your Medicare Coverage, please visit here.

Saylor Physical Therapy - Lake Mary

Schedule an appointment and we look forward to providing you with quality, individual, one-on-one care for one full hour.

"I highly recommend Saylor Physical Therapy and it is by far the best PT place we have been to! My son started seeing Heather Kennedy after a sports injury and I quickly realized she is very passionate about her patients’ care and is very thorough and knowledgeable. She takes her time to explain everything to him and ensure he walks away with not only less pain and more mobility, but have knowledge of his body mechanics to prevent injuries. The environment is also very pleasant and all staff including front desk, PTA (Alex) and other Physical Therapist are very friendly and professional."

Maryan H. - Lake Mary

“I came to Saylor Physical Therapy with shoulder pain and lack of mobility in my left shoulder. I was taking medication for relief. After eight sessions I was no longer in pain and had increased my range of motion. Not only was the pain gone but I had exercises that I could continue on my own. When I started working with the therapist my goal was to no longer need medication for my pain and that goal was reached.”

Judy A. - Lake Mary

"Meghan Chamberlain is the GOAT of physical therapy! She worked with me prior to my knee replacement and set me up for a successful recovery. She set the expectations on things I would need to do to be a successful knee replacement patient. After the surgery she had me walking without out any assistance after our 1st meeting. I was so surprised by how fast I was able to be at a full range of motion (because of Meghan, my Dr. was also surprised). She pushed me; however, she knows when to stop. I also did 8 weeks of dry needling with Meghan and was able to postpone my knee surgery by 6 months. This process was scary at first, but she made it very comfortable and talked me through the entire process! I felt a lot of relief while going through the dry needling process!"

Patricia B. - Lake Mary

Services at Saylor Physical Therapy Lake Mary

Neck & Back

Shoulder, Elbow
& Hand Pain

Hip & Knee

Foot & Ankle

 Sports Therapy &
Injury Therapy


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Saylor PT Lake Mary
925 Williston Park Point,
Suite 1001
Lake Mary, FL  32746



P 407-732-6927  
F 407-732-6928



Mon  7 am–7 pm
Tues  7 am–7 pm
Wed  7 am–7 pm
Thu  7 am–7 pm
Fri  7 am–7 pm
Sat  Closed
Sun  Closed